
Today I want to introduce you to a very famous site (most likely you will know it), 
udemy.com , a place that you could learn different thing from videos (have to hand it to them their quality is really good too). The biggest problem with their videos is that they cost a fortune but anyways if you think that the books that I introuduced didn't help here is a link to udemy to learn pascal here. Enjoy!

If you think you are an average programmer and you just want to know how pascal works I have a website that gives a summary of the language here. please don't even visit this website if your an amateur programmer cause it can make you confused because of its rapid teaching.
pros: fast and efficient teaching , low amount of time needed to learn , free
cons : can be a bit confusing . doesn't cover many aspects


I want to introduce you to one of the best sources of learning pascal. a free pdf  here. this book start's teaching you from the very beginning talking about different types of compilers and program structures to a medium level of programming. after reading and understanding this book you could start learning c++ with ease. 
pros: its free! , its simple and not a large pdf that takes days to read.
cons: don't know!

Today I want to introduce you to one of the best write books for c++. How to program c++ from dietel. as you might see on the right side of the picture , those are some of the topics that the book has covered! lets see what good this book can do for you.
Advantages: it starts from the very beginning and from the basics and the explanation is absolutely perfect. after that this book starts more advance programming and will introduce you to classes , pointers and .. . another big advantage of this book is that at the end of the book it will teach you a little web programming with c++ (my opinion is don't learn it cause right now web programming is mostly done by php)
cons : it has a big size so if you want to learn it all , it might take a month or more so if you know a bit of programming you need to skip the parts you already know.
You could buy this book from this link (the books cover has changed).

For downloading pascal go to this link : http://www.freepascal.org/
To write you program in c++ , I would recommend visual studio that you can get from here or if you don't want to use visual studio you can get dev c++ from here

Looks like you want to start your journey. let me start with some basics. as you might heard computer commands are 0 and 1 (called binary) , for example a command might be like 010111... .
Programmers found out that writing a binary program could be really frustrating so they invented some other languages like c , basic and ... . when you write your program in this languages they will automatically get converted to binary for you and the hard part is done by them.
So let me introduce you to 2 of the most famous ones. Pascal and C++
Pascal : a really simple language, recommended if you don't know anything about programming at all. This language doesn't support classes (don't worry if you don't know what class is) and doesn't have many functions to work with, you will even need to write your own sort function for it. after learning this language you need to move to C++ and it's only good to understand the basics.
C++ : a powerful language and almost the most famous of them all, recommended if you have some knowledge about programming basics, supports classes , almost endless source code and function's for it (in the internet of course!) , it's used in the computer Olympiads. mastering this language allows you to write any sort of program you want like games, robat programs and so on.
choose the language that you think is more suitable for you and don't go to the other language until you know you have learned the basics.

First of all I want to welcome you to my small blog and I hope you could use it to become a great programmer. What I'm going to do in this blog is to show you the path that made me a programmer and introduce you to useful books and videos. Enjoy!